It was brought to my attention recently that the term 'Boot Camp' has put off a few people from having a go at attending these sessions that we run. So, I thought I'd put a blog together to explain what the sessions are like, and to try and dispel a few misconceptions.
First of all, let me tell what ISN'T going to happen:
1. No-one will make you feel weak, or inadequate, if you can't do everything.
Every person at these classes (the trainers included!) has been where you are now - perhaps nervous, unsure about exercise, out of shape, out of practice etc. Everyone starts somewhere. RWF have a zero tolerance policy towards any kind of belittling behaviour. The atmosphere we encourage is a supportive one (with an element of informal competition between those people that like competing)
2. No-one is going to stand and shout at you, Sergeant Major-style.
Shouting at someone and pushing them simply makes people feel that they aren't good enough, and embarrasses everyone involved. If you want/need to be shouted at, then these sessions aren't for you. There are plenty of bootcamps run by over-zealous Army wannabees who will charge you to be shouted at for an hour. We won't. You'll be pushed, and encouraged, but it's constructive - not to satisfy your trainer's ego.
3. You won't be made to continue if you can't keep up.
You'll work at your pace. Sure, we'll encourage you to keep up. We'll let you know if we think you could do better, but we'll never push you beyond your capabilities. Saying that, you'll probably find you are capable of a lot more than you think you are.
4. You won't be doing Army-style training
We aren't going to make you run for 30 minutes. We won't make you crawl in the mud under cargo nets, or make you wear Army camouflage for an 'authentic' experience. You won't have to climb up and over 10ft high obstacles.
So, what will you learn to do?
You'll get good at being able to manipulate your own bodyweight to use as a training tool. You'll learn, and get good at, basic bodyweight moves. These are fundamental things that many adults lose - the ability to squat, to press up their own bodyweight, to jump, to sprint, to lunge. We make no apologies for not having a Bosu-ball to balance on for an hour, or for not having a Vibroplate to hone you into shape. We concentrate on the tough things that actually make a difference.
You'll learn how to add resistance. Using gymnastic rings, kettlebells, TRX, medicine balls, power bags - basically, anything that makes a standard exercise more difficult. But, you'll do it when you're ready, and when you're capable. All we ask is that you try. There's no shame in not being able to do something, but there is in not even attempting it.
Ultimately, you'll learn that even if you currently think you're fit, or even if you know you aren't, that your current capabilities are nowhere near your potential. Frankly, you'll be amazed at what you can do within a couple of months.
So, don't be afraid to come along and have a go. It's a good, supportive atmosphere. You will work hard, but it'll be within your own limits, not the limits of the person next to you. All we ask is that you push yourself to improve, week on week.
For more details on timings and prices, go to the website here
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